Price Matching

If you find the same item at a lower price on another online retailer's site within 7 days of your purchase, we will match the competitor's advertised price, including any applicable shipping fees.

Our price match policy includes the following conditions:

  • The item must match in style, size, and color.
  • The item must be new. We do not match prices on seconds, used merchandise, or products sold by wholesalers or liquidators.
  • The competitor must have the item in stock on their website.
  • The competitor's price must be clearly displayed on their site for verification and should not require a sign-up. First-time purchase discounts and personalized coupons are excluded.
  • The website must be an authorized distributor of the brand.
  • The price must be listed in New Zealand dollars.
  • During Canterbury Kayaking promotions, discounts can be applied either through a price match or a Canterbury Kayaking promotion, but not both.

Price Adjustments

If an item you purchased from Canterbury Kayaking is marked down within seven (7) days of the original order date, Canterbury Kayaking will adjust the price of the item once. Please note that any promotional pricing is for a limited time only and cannot be honored after the sale has ended.